
Owen Smith: 6th mon (top yellow) to 7th mon (bottom orange)
Harley Somerville:
6th mon (top yellow) to 9th mon (top orange)
James Quirk:
6th mon (top yellow) to 9th mon (top orange)
Michael Fitzsimmons: 6th mon (top yellow) to 9th mon (top orange)

Charlie Quinn: 6th mon (top yellow) to 9th mon (top orange)

Andrew Krska: 9th mon (top orange) to 10th mon (bottom green)
Peter Oldrid: 10th (bottom green)
to 12th mon (top green)

Luke Fazakerley: 14th mon (middle blue) to 16th mon (bottom brown)
Charlotte Wright: 15th mon (top blue) to 17th mon (middle brown)

Andy Whitehead: novice to 8th Kyu (bottom orange)

Ian Campbell: novice to 6th Kyu (bottom green)

Richard Clements: 7th Kyu (top orange) to 6th Kyu (bottom green)

Ben Cantlay: 3rd Kyu (top blue) to 2nd Kyu (bottom brown)
Matt Fazakerley: 3rd Kyu (top blue) to 2nd Kyu (bottom brown)
Dave Maher: 3rd Kyu (top blue) to 1st Kyu (top brown)

Vikki McKay
: Gained 14 points towards her 1st Dan. Total = 94 points
Eve McQuade: Gained 40 points towards her 1st Dan. Total = 70 points

Gary Dixon: 1st Kyu (top brown) to 1st Dan (black)


North west area grading – 11/11/07